Damien Katz is the creator of Apache CouchDB and co-founder of CouchOne, which merged with Membase to form Couchbase Inc., the company behind the Couchbase open source project.
He began his developer life working on Lotus Notes for Iris Associates, acquired by IBM. With a number of patents under his belt and broad acknowledgement of the superior sync capabilities of Notes, Damien set out to create a new kind of database better suited to the needs of web and cloud computing.
In 2005 he stated he was working on a "storage system for a large scale object database" and called it CouchDB (Cluster Of Unreliable Commodity Hardware).
In 2008, it became a top-level Apache project maintained at the Apache Software Foundation. In 2009, Damien, along with J. Chris Anderson and Jan Lehnardt, founded CouchOne.
Presentations by Damien Katz:
DevconTLV February Conference, Thursday, February 14, 2013, 10:10
Sometimes people get dogmatic about programming languages. But the longer I program, the more I realize that there is room for anumber of different choices, depending on your technology, your team, and where you are in terms of project maturity.
I'd like to share some of my recent experiences to illustrate how to really pick the right programming language for your project and needs.
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